Reclaiming Your Power

conscious living energy centers generators human design life pupose manifesting generators manifestors mindfulness projectors reflectors self development spirituality Jul 18, 2024

It's easy to get swept up in the blame game of life. "This happened to me, and I had no control over the situation." "So-and-so made me do it." "I can't because I'm not in charge." "Why is everything happening to me?" "It is what it is." The mind loves to relieve itself of accountability.

From society to your environment, parents, friends, school, TV shows, movies, and books, you are always taking in some sort of programming. You can't help this fact. However, taking what resonates and leaving the rest is one of the most essential and vital things you can do for yourself as you begin your journey of taking back your power.

Understanding the Law of Causality

The first thing we have to understand is that everything operates under the Law of Causality (cause and effect), or what some would call karma. However, this is not "good" or "bad" karma. It's as simple as an action leading to a reaction.

In Human Design, we sometimes think that life is happening to us and that we have no control over what we experience. However, we don’t often realize that we are choosing and making decisions that lead to our experiences every day (cause = choice/action and effect = experience in life).

Knowing where you are defined and undefined helps you make conscious decisions that lead to experiencing a life of your choosing and ultimately your creation. The moment you start to recognize and experiment with your design, you begin to experience the power shift and the authority is put back into your hands.

Recognizing Your Open Centers

One of the biggest moments of realization for me was when I started to understand my undefined (open) centers. These centers are essentially governed by an energetic theme that you filter through. For example, I have a wide-open head center and an open Ajna center (except for Gate 11). This means that I look to the outside world for answers and ways to process and conceptualize the information I seek. This openness is also very prone to conditioning.

When I started to understand that my openness in my head centers is meant for ease of information flow—in and out—helped me not hold onto such fixed belief systems that allowed me to discern more between my thoughts and answers versus someone else's. This mental freedom has also allowed me to explore things more openly and with curiosity in a way that is healthy and aligned with the rest of my design.

Knowing Your Not-Self Themes

One of the biggest not-self themes for open head centers is: "Am I trying to convince everyone that I have the answers and that I am certain of it?" I felt this showing up at work specifically. I was always trying to answer or state an opinion that would then change or feel incorrect later, but I felt pressure to answer.

It's okay to not have the answers to all things. Sometimes it is not meant for you to answer but to sit and contemplate the questions or ways of thinking.

Taking Back Your Power

Your Human Design chart can help translate where you've been conditioned by external influences and where you can take back your power. Here's how to reclaim your authority and realize that you are the creator of your life:

  • Defined Centers: These are your consistent strengths and ways of processing energy. Embrace these qualities as your inherent power.
  • Undefined Centers: These are areas where you can be influenced by others. Recognize these influences and consciously choose which energies to accept and which to release.

For example, if you have an undefined Solar Plexus, you might be prone to absorbing and amplifying the emotions of those around you. By recognizing this, you can start to differentiate between your feelings and others', allowing you to navigate emotional waters with greater clarity and personal power.

Wrapping It Up

By understanding your unique design and the interplay of defined and undefined centers, you can reclaim your power and recognize that you are the one creating your life. No one else has that power unless you give it to them. So, take back your power, embrace your true self, and create the life you desire.

Be sure to Learn Your Centers with this FREE centers guide to start taking back your power now!

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